Last week, the S&P 500 turned positive for 2020. On its face, this makes no sense at all. Covid-19 hospitalizations are still increasing in many states, unemployment is sky high, and we’re in the midst of the worst recession since the Great Depression.
In March, I wrote an article pointing out that the stock market and the economy are not correlated, and that forecasting the economy won’t help you predict the stock market. Even knowing this, I struggle to explain why the market has rebounded so strongly from its mid-March lows.
And I know I shouldn’t try.
Why We Are Driven to Explain Movements in The Market
The philosopher David Hume observed, “Causality is the cement of the universe.” So true — we are wired to assign causation; it gives a sense that we can understand events in a way that allows us to maintain control over outcomes.
According to Princeton psychologist Tania Lombardo, “generating and evaluating explanations is spontaneous, ubiquitous and fundamental to our sense of understanding.” When we see something happen, we want to ascribe to it a cause – we have an innate human drive to explain. In other words, when we experience uncertainty, we want answers.
We see this desire for causal explanations play out in daily headlines in the financial media, which attribute market movements to single causes. Headlines such as “The S&P 500 Drops 2% as Global Recession Fears Are Stoked by Disappointing Retailer Earnings” are ubiquitous. This sort of headline is an example of the single-cause fallacy. As I write this, the Dow Jones just closed down nearly 1,800 points and a headline popped up that proclaims the drop is due to traders worrying about the uptick in Covid cases in some states. Really? It has been widely reported that we could expect cases to rise as states reopen and as people gather for protests. There has been no material updated news about the number of Covid cases since yesterday — at least not enough news to justify an 1,800 point drop. Yet, analysts are predisposed to create these simple explanations, and the rest of us to believe them, as “the reason” the market did what it did.
Why the Market is Unpredictable
How the stock market behaves often defies explanation (especially a simple one) because it is a complex adaptive system.
In such a complex adaptive system, understanding each component doesn’t mean we understand the results of the system as a whole. System level results are often greater than the sum of its parts because it is comprised of heterogeneous actors (called agents) who interact with each other in ways that make system-level predictions difficult or impossible.
In a complex adaptive system, agents learn and change their behavior — sometimes rationally and sometimes irrationally — as circumstances change. Their changing behavior can create feedback loops as the output from one result becomes the input to the next iteration. Negative feedback often creates stability, while positive feedback can amplify small actions into large and unexpected results. Positive feedback loops create system wide results that aren’t predictable by observing the individual actions of the agents.
Author, investment strategist, and chairman of the board of the Santa Fe Institute, Michael Mauboussinprovides a simple example of a complex adaptive system in action in an interview published in the Harvard Business Review:
“In the late 1800s rangers at Yellowstone National Park brought in the U.S. cavalry to try to improve the game population by hand-feeding elk. The elk population swelled, and the elk started eating aspen trees, and aspen trees were what the beavers were using to build their dams, and the beaver dams caught the runoff in the spring, which allowed trout to spawn. More elk equaled less trout. That one choice, feeding the elk, led to a series of cascading completely unanticipated events.”
We see complex adaptive systems throughout the social fabric of our lives. John Miller and Scott Page in their book Complex Adaptive Systems state, “we turn away from crowded restaurants and highways, smoothing demand. We exploit the profit opportunities arising from patterns generated by a stock market and, in so doing, dissipate their very existence. Like bees defending the hive, we respond to signals in the media and market, creating booms, busts, and fads.”
How People Make the Market a Complex Adaptive System
A classic example of how intelligent agents (such as people) act in a complex adaptive system is the so-called “Keynesian Beauty Contest.” John Maynard Keynes was a celebrated British economist. In the 1930s, he described a newspaper game in which participants submitted their picks of the six prettiest faces from 100 photographs. The winner was the player who picked the most popular choice overall.
According to Keynes, the winning strategy was for each competitor to pick “not those faces that he finds prettiest, but those that he thinks likeliest to catch the fancy of the other competitors, all of whom are looking at the problem from the same point of view . . . [Thus], it is not a case of choosing those [faces] which, to the best of one’s judgment, are really the prettiest, nor even those which average opinion genuinely thinks the prettiest. We have reached the third degree where we devote our intelligence to anticipating what average opinion expects the average opinion to be. And there are some, I believe, who practice the fourth, fifth and higher degrees.”
Keynes’s beauty contest analogy remains a spot-on description of how the financial markets work. It’s me watching you, you watching me, me watching you, and so on, multiplied by the millions of players in the market. Each is trying to guess what other players are guessing that everyone else is guessing.
We saw this early in the Covid-19 pandemic with toilet paper: I don’t need 48 rolls unless I think that other people believe that people on average are going to hoard toilet paper, and others are likely to hoard toilet paper if they think other people will hoard it too. In the stock markets, such feedback loops amplify small actions and lead to cascading effects. Millions of actions by tens of millions of individuals roll up to cause stocks to rise or fall, and then that rise or fall causes everyone to reassess what they should do going forward. In this way, small rational actions by individuals cause large irrational outcomes for the system. It is hard to predict what the stock market will do in the future because we can’t foresee or model the interactions and feedback loops of these millions of participants.
Viewing the market as a complex adaptive system explains why the market can zoom along with little volatility for weeks or months then experience a huge drop like the 1,800 point drop we saw last week. It also explains why there is still no solid causefor the 23% drop on Black Monday in 1987.
Why It’s Important To Understand That The Market Is A Complex Adaptive System
That the stock market operates as a complex adaptive system is an important concept for us to have in our toolbox of mental models. It means that many effects we see in the markets will have no readily discernible cause. There is just too much complexity among the various agents interacting and generating feedback loops. As explained by Mauboussin in his excellent book More Than You Know, “Investors who insist on understanding the causes for the market’s moves risk focusing on faulty causality or inappropriately anchoring on false explanations. Many of the big moves in the market are not easy to explain.”
Additionally, understanding that the market is a complex adaptive system should lessen the desire to listen to and act upon market forecasts by experts. The 45%+ increase in the S&P 500 from the March 23rd lows remind us again that there is just no way we can model the vast complexity and interactivity of the stock market.
Finally, viewing the market as a complex adaptive system goes a long way to explain why successful investment strategies don’t persist for long: the agents within the system learn, adapt and change until the strategy no longer works.
Why hasn’t the concept of the market as a complex adaptive system caught on more than it has? Likely because while it is a good explanation of why the market behaves at it does, it doesn’t provide a model for predicting market movements and doesn’t provide the certainty we crave.
Some may find the idea that the market often defies explanation and prediction as depressing. But, to quote Charles Darwin in The Origin of Species as he compared the complexity of evolution with the simplicity and certainty of creation: “There is grandeur in this view of life.”
This article originally appeared on Forbes.