Sowell: What Advisors Need To Know About "Distributed Finance"

Sowell Management is excited to host IDX Digital Assets next week for Part Two of its digital asset series.

We're always happy t hear what the Sowell team has to say. Want to sign up for more? The VIP Messenger is right here.

On Sept 16, 3:15 CT we will be discussing the up and coming asset class that is known as DeFi.

While Bitcoin and Ethereum have garnered most of the attention in the digital asset space, DeFi (Decentralized Finance) and its utility is growing at an exponential pace. Join us for a conversation with IDX’s CIO Ben McMillan as we walk through the difference between Bitcoin/Ethereum and DeFi.

We will discuss why we believe DeFi has a bright future, how DeFi is replacing certain aspects of traditional finance, and how to gain exposure at the investment level. REGISTER HERE

And if you missed Part One, it's right HERE.


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