Profile picture for user Scott Martin

Scott Martin


Executive Editor
The Wealth Advisor

A veteran in the business of digital and print journalism, Martin joined The Wealth Advisor in January 2009. His name now appears in most U.S. financial advisors’ inboxes each day as sender of record on the 11 million emails we deploy each month.

He writes for an audience of 280,000 wealth and financial advisors including 205,000 registered investment advisors (the largest digital audience of RIAs of any industry publication), managing a staff of 5 editors and 2 researchers to produce daily wealth management news and 8 specialty newsletters focused on top-of-mind industry topics like tax protection, practice management, technology and TAMPs (turnkey asset management programs).

He also moderates industry panels and compiles our specialty annual guides on trusts, technology and TAMPs: America's Most Advisor Friendly Trust Companies, America's Best TAMPs and America's Best Trust Technology Buyers Guide.

In prior lives he served as lead market writer at CNN, ran Buyside magazine, wrote for Institutional Investor, Research, ALPHA and other publications, and dabbled in hedge fund land.

Evolution of ETFs: Trailblazing Growth

Once upon a time in the distant land of Wall Street, there was a revolutionary investment tool called the ETF, or exchange-traded fund, to use its formal name. It started as a humble concept, a simple wrapper that allowed investors to gain exposure to assets organized according to an index. But little did anyone know that this unassuming innovation would go on to reshape the entire investment landscape.

Surf the Shocks and Get Back in the Market: Revive Stalled Portfolios with 1-ClickTrade

Wealth managers and their clients have survived a lot of shocks together in the past few years. In a lot of cases, that’s because the advisors wisely decided not to rock the boat any more than necessary.

They opted to freeze their overall investment posture. No untested funds that could implode in the next twist on the economic roller coaster. No dramatic allocation shifts to capture sudden opportunities or evade emerging obstacles.