Was Any Of Olivia De Havilland's $50 Million Estate Given To The Children Of Her Life-Long Nemesis, Sister Joan Fontaine?

(The Things) - Olivia de Havilland was a legendary actress who graced the silver screen for more than five decades. She was best known for her roles in classic movies such as Gone with the Wind and The Adventures of Robin Hood.

On July 26, 2020, de Havilland passed away at the age of 104, leaving behind unforgettable performances, a legacy that had shaped the film industry for decades, and a fortune estimated to be worth $50 million.

In the wake of her passing, questions have arisen regarding the distribution of her estate. One of which is whether any part of her fortune was given to the children of her life-long nemesis, her sister Joan Fontaine. The sisters had a strained relationship that spanned over half a century, marked by intense sibling rivalry and personal animosity. Despite their shared career in the film industry, they remained estranged until Fontaine's death in 2013.

What Was Olivia De Havilland's Net Worth?

According to Celebrity Net Worth, Olivia de Havilland had a net worth of approximately $50 million at the time of her passing. The vast majority of her wealth was amassed through her highly successful acting career, spanning several decades.

De Havilland's talent and dedication propelled her to stardom, leading to iconic roles in films such as Gone with the Wind and The Heiress, which not only garnered critical acclaim but also contributed significantly to her financial success.

With her undeniable on-screen presence and remarkable performances, she solidified her status as one of the leading actresses of her time. Through her acting endeavors, de Havilland not only left an indelible mark on the silver screen but also accumulated a substantial fortune, securing her place among Hollywood's most accomplished and financially prosperous stars.

What Happened To Olivia De Havilland's Money After She Died?

Details of Olivia de Havilland's estate have not been released publicly, and it is not yet clear who will inherit her wealth.

However, it is likely that her assets will be distributed according to her will and any other legal arrangements she may have made before her death. It's also possible that some of her wealth may be allocated to charities or other organizations.

Was Any Of Olivia De Havilland's $50 Million Estate Allocated To Any Of Her Sister's Children?

While the exact details of the allocation of Olivia de Havilland's estate following her passing have not been publicly disclosed, it is known that she and her sister Joan Fontaine had a strained relationship throughout their lives.

Their reported rivalry was well-documented in the media, and they were not known to be close. Given these circumstances, it is easy to speculate that any distribution of de Havilland's $50 million estate may not have included her sister Joan Fontaine's children. However, without official documentation or statements from the parties involved, it is impossible to provide a definitive answer.

What Was The Feud Between Olivia De Havilland And Joan Fontaine About?

Nine.com.au had it that Olivia de Havilland and Joan Fontaine's longstanding feud is a well-documented aspect of their lives, dating back to their childhood. Born in Tokyo to British parents, the sisters moved to California as children and began acting in local productions. However, their relationship was fraught with tension, and they were reportedly competitive from a young age.

This rivalry intensified as they both pursued careers in acting, with both sisters achieving notable success in Hollywood. Their rivalry continued throughout their careers in Hollywood, where both actresses became well-known stars.

Fontaine, who was just 15 months younger than de Havilland, made her breakthrough in 1940 with her role in the film Rebecca and won an Academy Award for Best Actress in 1942 for her performance in Suspicion.

De Havilland's most iconic roles in Gone with the Wind and The Heiress also earned her Academy Awards. However, de Havilland was reportedly bitter that her sister had won an Academy Award before her.

Their sibling rivalry was further complicated by other issues, including Fontaine's marriage to Olivia's ex-boyfriend and a dispute over their mother's medical care.

The two sisters had a falling out in the mid-1940s and did not speak for many years. They continued to be estranged even as they both lived into their 90s. In 1975, the sisters had a highly publicized and reportedly tense reunion at their mother's funeral, which did not mend their relationship.

Despite their estrangement, both sisters continued to have successful acting careers, with de Havilland retiring from acting in the 1970s and Fontaine retiring in the 1990s.

Over the years, both sisters made public statements about their strained relationship. Olivia de Havilland once referred to Joan Fontaine as her "dragon lady" sister. Despite attempts at reconciliation, their relationship remained contentious until the end. Their rivalry and strained relationship are frequently cited as an example of sibling rivalry and family tension, as well as a cautionary tale about the potential impact of long-standing grudges and unresolved conflicts.

What Legacy Did Olivia De Havilland Leave Behind?

According to Variety, Olivia de Havilland left behind a lasting legacy in Hollywood, marked by her notable accomplishments and influential contributions. In the 1940s, de Havilland challenged the studio system, which had long subjected actors to unfair contracts and limited artistic freedom. She filed a lawsuit against Warner Bros., challenging the practice of contract extensions without the artist's consent.

The case ultimately reached the California Court of Appeals, where de Havilland emerged victorious, leading to the abolition of the oppressive seven-year contract rule. This legal victory, commonly known as the De Havilland Law or De Havilland Decision, ensured that actors could no longer be indefinitely bound to studios against their will.

De Havilland's courageous stand against the studio system not only liberated her own career but also paved the way for improved working conditions and greater creative freedom for actors in Hollywood. Her actions marked a turning point in the industry, leading to more equitable contracts and granting actors the right to choose their projects and have greater control over their careers.

Another significant aspect of de Havilland's legacy is her commitment to artistic integrity. Known for her selective approach to roles, instead, she focused on roles that challenged her as an actress and allowed her to showcase her talent. This unwavering dedication to her craft and refusal to compromise on artistic standards earned her respect and admiration throughout her career.

Additionally, de Havilland's longevity in the industry, spanning over five decades, serves as an inspiration to aspiring actors, demonstrating the possibility of a successful and enduring career in Hollywood.

It remains unclear whether any of Joan Fontaine's children received a portion of Olivia De Havilland's $50 million estate after her death. No public disclosure has been made by the family regarding the specific distribution of her wealth. Given the strained relationship between the sisters, it is not surprising at all that there may have been little to no inclusion of Joan Fontaine's children in the allocation of de Havilland's estate.

By Christina Esuabom
May 2, 2023

Christina Esuabom is a freelance article writer from Africa, who loves writing words that make reality TV sound even more real! She loves to play volleyball, watch reality tv shows and catch up with some premier league football matches.


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