Uncovered: WWE Founder Vince McMahon's Wife Linda Considered $2.3 Billion Divorce Before Bombshell Sex Trafficking Allegations

(Radar) - WWE Founder Vince McMahon's wife and longtime business partner, Linda, was prepared to pull the plug on her marriage in 2022 soon after her husband was embroiled in a scandal for allegedly paying hush money to a female employee following a sordid office affair, RadarOnline.com has learned.

"Linda has put up with too much for too long," an insider said.

"This is just the latest of Vince's many indiscretions, but now she has to bear the humiliation of the world knowing her husband is allegedly paying off the women he beds," according to a sensational report that was published after the bombshell allegations.

That June, an expose from the Wall Street Journal revealed that the WWE was looking into accusations of a massive hush money payment McMahon had made to cover up an alleged tryst with ex-employee Janel Grant, which led to the discovery of a total of $14.6 million in hidden settlements with four women, including two who accused him of sexual misconduct.

McMahon retired that July while the board of directors conducted their investigation against him and former WWE Head of Talent Relations John Laurinaitis. Both denied wrongdoing.

Sources, that year, said that Linda turned a blind eye to her husband's philandering to safeguard her role in the company and to aid her political career.

"Linda put up with Vince's behavior for a long time, and it paid off for years," an insider told the National Enquirer, claiming she was considering proceeding with a $2.3 billion divorce. "But this new scandal is bad for her too. She's had enough."

RadarOnline.com has reached out to her reps for comment.

A newly filed lawsuit by Grant seeking unspecified damages claims McMahon stopped making payments after the initial $1 million installment for her non-disclosure agreement.

The new lawsuit was filed against McMahon, the WWE, and Laurinaitis by Grant in Connecticut.

Grant alleged in the explosive lawsuit that McMahon seduced her in a sexual relationship by promising to advance her career before exploiting her, sexually abusing her, and trafficking her to other top brass.

"I'm the only one who owns U and controls who I want to f--- U," one message allegedly sent to Grant read.

According to the lawsuit, McMahon distanced himself from Grant when his wife discovered their alleged hookups. McMahon then allegedly pressured Grant to remain quiet about their affair, warning her that Linda would seek a divorce and tarnish his reputation.

February 6, 2024


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