(PEREZHILTON) - Jessica Alba’s hubby could walk away with a loooot of money in the divorce!
In case you missed it, after weeks of rumors, sources confirmed to TMZ that she and Cash Warren broke up recently after 16 years of marriage. Neither has filed for divorce yet, but they are reportedly headed in that direction. And things could get very messy once they do file! As you know, Jessica founded The Honest Company. It’s a million-dollar business now. In fact, the company is valued at a whopping $609 million and once had a value of over $1 billion! Damn! Meanwhile, Cash appears to not have worked as a producer in the entertainment industry since 2015.
We hope the couple had an ironclad prenuptial agreement in place, or they may be in for a massive fight over money! Granted, even if they had a prenup, Cash still could get millions in spousal support! Yes really! Why? Powerhouse family law specialist Goldie Schon explained to The US Sun on Friday:
“Even if there is a prenup, and she gets to keep what is hers, therefore, the Honest Company, which is quite lucrative, that will not stop the issue of spousal support. We have evolved when it comes to prenuptial agreements, and we’ve had some very large cases, historically, that have caused prenuptial agreements to not be able to terminate spousal support between couples that are about to marry.”
If Jessica and Cash signed a prenup when they got married in 2008 — and before she made a ton of money through The Honest Company — the court could determine the agreement is no longer reasonable and toss it out! Even if they both decided neither of them should get spousal support in the event of a divorce! Wow! Schon said:
“So if the court believes that if there was a prenuptial agreement, and let’s just say the prenuptial agreement said neither one of them is going to get spousal support..the court, believe it or not, today, can make the decision that that is not conscionable and throw it out and still order spousal support in the same vein as it would as if the prenup never existed.”
What’s more? Since their marriage falls under the long-term marriage rules in California, there is no set end date for spousal support! Jessica could end up shelling out cash to him for a long time! Schon continued:
“Spousal support would continue until somebody passes or somebody then returns to court and tries to terminate it or modify it or make it go away. Because it’s a long-term marriage, essentially the court does not have the power to say you’re only going to pay spousal support for seven years. Eight years, two years doesn’t matter. The only two people that can make that agreement are the parties.”
So, how much are we talking about here? Schon figures Cash could get upwards of $100,000 a month! JEEZ! And that doesn’t even factor in child support! The attorney predicts Jessica may hand over upwards of $60,000 a month to cover the expenses for their three children, Honor, Haven, and Hayes:
“Child support is for the best interest of the children, and for the children to be able to live in the lifestyle of both parents, regardless of where they are, because that is part of what the family code is here in California. It doesn’t matter where they sit, they have to be able to live in the lifestyle of both parents. So what does that mean? If Cash needs security, if Cash needs to pay for private school tuition, if he needs to have travel accommodations, whether that’s first-class or whether that’s a private jet, those kinds of levels are very important when we reach a situation where we have high net worth and figures, as we do in this situation.”
Ultimately, Schon knows Jessica will be paying a good chunk of money to Cash in the divorce:
“The fact of the matter is, it’s very possible that there will be a base child support amount that’s paid from Jessica to Cash, and then on top of that, Jessica would have to pay a higher percentage of all additional expenses, being security, travel, private school to the extent, when I say a different percentage, it’s based on the disparity of those two parties’ incomes.”
So, regardless of whether they have a prenup, Cash could walk away with nearly $2 million each year! Holy crap! This staggering number is making us sweat just thinking about it! So imagine how Jessica must feel about that estimate!
But, of course, we won’t know what happens when it comes to spousal and child support until one of them actually files for divorce! But from what we’ve heard, they aren’t reconciling! The filing is coming any day now! Let’s just hope that since the pair are still hanging out together amid the split they will handle this maturely, amicably, and without hurting Jessica’s wallet!
January 11, 2025