(Bored Panda) - A bit of tension with your in-laws is to be expected, but if they constantly try to put you down and make your life miserable, something is clearly wrong. What further compounds the issue is if your partner never seems to have your back when it comes to their family. If you’re not a team and feel like your efforts are always taken for granted, it might be time to split ways.
Getting along with your in-laws can be difficult at times, but it should never seem like it’s impossible.
Toxic in-laws disrespect your boundaries, manipulate your spouse, gossip about you, play the victim, and constantly criticize you
Marriage.com explains that one of the best things that anyone can do when dealing with disrespectful in-laws is to ensure that you and your partner are both on the same page regarding rules and boundaries. In other words, you need to be a team when it comes to enforcing the boundaries that other people in your lives, including those very same in-laws, need to respect.
Some of the signs of toxic in-laws include constant criticism, ignoring your boundaries, undermining you and your parenting, as well as constantly playing the victim. Other major red flags that you’re dealing with toxic in-laws include being excluded from family events, gossiping about you, manipulating your partner, disrespecting your marriage, sabotaging your plans, and using guilt as a weapon.
The biggest social tools in your arsenal are, as always, honest and clear communication, as well as healthy boundaries. In short, you need to communicate to your in-laws, as well as your partner, how their behavior affects you, and how you’d like for your relationship with them to continue moving forward.
You can outline the consequences that their actions will have if they keep disrespecting you, so that you’re fully transparent and you’re all on the same page. However, even if you’re completely in the right, it’s best not to start a major fight or start accusing everyone of being huge jerks.
You want to stay on-topic and avoid any judgment because you’ll only make them get defensive. If you want some sort of potential compromise, you need to be clear and firm but stay calm, cool, and collected.
Once you’ve set out the new ground rules, you need to enforce your boundaries whenever they get trampled again, otherwise, you’ll only be disrespected again and again (and again). To put it simply, your in-laws need to know that you’re serious and that you mean business.
“If your in-laws frequently exclude you from family gatherings or make you feel unwelcome, it can be a clear sign of toxic behavior. This exclusion can leave you feeling isolated and hurt, especially when your spouse is caught in the middle,” Marriage.com explains how this can make you feel like a less valued member of the family.
“Talk to your spouse about how this exclusion affects you and explore ways to address it together. If the exclusion persists, consider whether it’s worth attending events where you’re not genuinely welcome. Focusing on building your own support network outside of these toxic dynamics can also help you feel more connected and valued.”
At some point, it’s worth weighing your options and considering whether the relationships you have are fulfilling or if you’re better off moving on
Anyone who’s ever had to meet their partner’s family for the first time knows just how stressful of an experience it can be. Naturally, you want to be liked, respected, and accepted. You want to leave a good impression on them for your partner’s sake, to show that you do care about that very important aspect of their life.
But on top of that, it’s because human beings are social animals that we care about our reputation and relationships so much. Social cohesion used to be how people survived. It can eat into your confidence if you’re pushed away and constantly made to feel ‘unworthy’ after entering a new social circle. That’s a lot of chronic stress and unhappiness to live with.
At some point, you either stop trying so hard, redraw your boundaries (hopefully, healthier ones), or decide to cut ties with those toxic people.
Real life might not work like a Disney animation (it’s far less dramatic!), but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t people out there who simply won’t accept you for who you are. They can be cruel, entitled, and arrogant. Unfortunately, not everyone is reasonable or rational.
If you feel like you’re actively disliked, you should do whatever you can to protect your emotional and mental well-being. That might mean that you simply won’t spend much time with your in-laws in the foreseeable future. But things can get really messy if your partner doesn’t seem to see the issue and won’t support you when things get tough, in which case, you have to reevaluate your relationship.
What do you think of the way that the author of the viral story handled the situation with her soon-to-be ex and his family? Would you have done anything differently?
Have you ever had any issues getting along with your partner’s parents and siblings? What’s your secret to getting along well with your in-laws?
By Jonas Grinevičius and Indrė Lukošiūtė
January 30, 2025