Protecting Yourself From Creditors Out To Grab Your Money

Well, we’re in a recession, and that means more and more people will have troubled paying their bills. What if that happens to you? And just how protected are you from creditors? Can one misstep cause you to lose everything? For answers, we turned to Andrew Holstine, a partner at the law firm of Schoenberg Finkel Newman & Rosenberg in Chicago:

Larry Light: What’s the first thing we should do to protect out assets?

Andrew Holstine: Meet with a qualified professional to review your asset protection strategy. There is power in engaging in the planning process, facing your vulnerabilities and then proactively minimizing your exposure. 

Light: So how do you go about shielding those assets from creditors? 

Holstine: Asset protection refers to strategically sheltering your assets from a creditor who brings claims against you. Creditors have little incentive to sue a person who will never pay, leaving a potential judgment worth less than the paper it is written on. 

First, you need to understand your risks, including where they are and how much exposure you have. Second, you need to understand your assets and how they can be repositioned to protect them from creditors. 

Some threats can be easy to envision, such as negligence in an automobile crash or a teenager hosting a graduation pool party. Other threats are harder to assess, such as the risk you assume by being an officer of a bank. 

Light: OK, I can see how to protect yourself from an auto mishap, like don’t drive drunk, or the teen party by keeping closer tabs on Junior. But how could a bank officer get in trouble?

Holstine:  During the 2008 financial crisis, shortly before our client, the president of a local bank, was set to retire, the bank filed suit for losses related to mortgage defaults. The court eventually found in favor of our client but not until the first years of his retirement were spent as a defendant. 

Light: But some assets are off limits to creditors, right? 

Holstine: Even if you have not consciously planned, you already enjoy some protection. For example, state law may protect your home, while federal law shields retirement accounts, up to a certain amount, from known creditors. The cash value accumulated in a life insurance policy is usually similarly protected. For many people, however, significant remaining assets are not exempt from creditors, and these assets require greater planning. 

Light: Like what? 

Holstine: State laws protect creditors from asset transfers done purposefully with an intent to delay collection or defraud creditors. If you start planning after the problem is known, a court may closely scrutinize asset transfers, deem them to be fraudulent, and issue an order turning over the property to your creditor. 

Light: So what steps can you take? 

Holstine: Tools including insurance protection, corporations, and trusts. A great example: A business owner our firm represented for nearly 20 years before the business was recently sold. As the business grew and acquired real estate, each new purchase was owned by a separate limited liability corporation, which then leased the property to the company. 

Separate companies were set up for operations in different states, further segregating assets and risk. For personal planning, the owner and his spouse set up irrevocable trusts, which were protected from personal creditors, which they funded with regular gifts. Prior to selling the company, additional personal planning was done to minimize estate tax exposure and to further move assets into trusts that were out of the reach of creditors.

This article originally appeared on Forbes.


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